Jonathan Engel brings years of experience in family court litigation which includes divorce, custody, and other related matters. Jonathan is a child-centric attorney who is passionate about children and helping families find solutions.
Prior to joining Hellmuth & Johnson, Jonathan worked as a clerk for a judge and gained insight on how the court decides cases. He then was an attorney for a nationally recognized nonprofit with a role focused on highly litigated family court matters. This position gave Jonathan unparalleled first chair trial experience early in his career. This nonprofit includes an alumnus of numerous judicial officers on the Minnesota family court bench.
Jonathan’s extensive trial experience aids his clients in understanding their case if it was to go to trial and what type of settlement is appropriate. Jonathan empowers clients to make the best decisions with his practical advice. He is experienced handling complex financial and custody matters, including issues of spousal maintenance, domestic abuse and of high-net-worth property division.
Aside from practicing law, Jonathan enjoys spending time with his children and wife, pickup basketball, golf, and summer BBQs.