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Hellmuth & Johnson attorney, Phaedra Howard, discusses various topics with


Does This Condo Board’s Action Look Shady to You?

We’re seeing some major red flags with a question we saw online. A Brooklyn resident noticed their condo hallway seemed narrower. Yep, the manager said some residents needed to run mechanicals for AC and other services (maybe high-speed internet?), so they did it in the common hallways.

When asked about giving common space to individual owners, the board president defended the action. He said he paid for the bump outs- and that the space was gifted- to those owners who requested it.

Click on the arrow below to hear a short clip in which two of’s expert— Phaedra J. Howard, a partner specializing in community association law at Hellmuth & Johnson PLLC in Edina, Minn.—discuss whether it’s ever OK for a board to shower some owners with a gift of common area.

Watch full video here.


It’s Perfectly OK for a Condo Board to Gift- Common Areas, Right?

In this week’s tip, we ask a simple question based on an online post in which a condo owner noticed their hallway seemed narrower. The owner dug deeper and learned the board had decided to allow individual owners—including the president involved in the decision—to “bump out” their units into the hallway.

Click on the arrow below to hear a short clip in which Phaedra J. Howard, a partner specializing in community association law at Hellmuth & Johnson PLLC in Edina, Minn., offer their opinion on whether this would ever be proper.

Watch full video here.

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