Thought Leadership

– Legal Insights –

We are now over a month and a half past the closing of the application window for social equity applicants to apply for pre-approval of cannabis licenses from Office of Cannabis Management. The burning question is: when will people know if their application was accepted into the lottery? We do...

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The decision to amend a community association’s governing documents begins with an understanding of the community association and its governing documents; progresses through the formulation of goals for any new documents, identified based on weaknesses in or issues with the existing governing documents; and ends with an understanding of the...

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An “F-reorganization” is a type of entity reorganization done primarily for tax purposes. It is a type of tax-free change under the IRS Code typically including a change in identity (i.e. name), or form of entity (LLC into a corporation). In order to realize the tax-free advantages, six requirements (set...